Florida Department of Environmental Protection
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Reuse has become an integral part of wastewater management, water resource management, and ecosystem management in Florida.
During the past 21 years, Florida has risen to be recognized as a national leader in water reuse. Approximately 820 million gallons per day (mgd) of reclaimed water were used for beneficial purposes in 2019. This represents an average per capita reuse of 38.66 gallons per day per person. Using 820 mgd of reclaimed water is estimated to have avoided the use of over 158 billion gallons of potable quality water while serving to add more than 94 billion gallons back to available ground water supplies.
The total reuse capacity of Florida’s domestic wastewater treatment facilities has increased from 1,009 mgd in 1998 to 1,757 mgd in 2019. The current reuse capacity represents about 67 percent of the total permitted domestic wastewater treatment capacity in Florida.
Reclaimed water from public access reuse systems was used to irrigate 455,510 residences, 529 golf courses, 1,126 parks, and 394 schools. Irrigation of these areas accessible to the public represented about 57 percent of the 820 mgd of reclaimed water reused.
For a complete summary of reuse in Florida and to see how Florida compares to the rest of the United States, go to Reuse Inventory Database and Annual Report Webpage.
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The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship – protecting our air, water and land. The vision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is to create strong community partnerships, safeguard Florida’s natural resources and enhance its ecosystems.
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